Ghost Work / Rescue Mediumship

Are you experiencing troublesome noises in your home?  

Seeing items shift around, or electronics that act strange, with no explanation? 

Does the energy in your home not feel “right” to you?  

My team of psychic ghost workers called SHONE, or Spirit Healers of New England, will help you move on any troublesome ghosts that need to go to the light.  My team will also help you clear the energy in your home, and work with any humans in the home that need energetic healing. 

$20.00 per ghost worker minimum donation

Call/text (860) 805-7819 or Email Michelle Pellin to schedule an appointment

Ghost Work Public Events

Many of the events we run with the SHONE team are free and open to the public. 

Click to See Our Upcoming Events

SHONE-Spirit Healers of New England

Make sure you follow us to be notified of any new events that get added.

Check us out on Instagram @spirithealersofnewengland. 

Pictures from Past Events

Ancient Burial Ground in Hartford with a Memorial to the founders of Hartford

What’s going on behind Nathan Hale middle school in Moodus

Seymour Union cemetery In Seymour Connecticut